In the Media
Here are links to articles in newspapers and other media which talk about ABA. There are also videos.

Who? Maidenhead Advertiser a local Berkshire newspaper with article 'Delighted' Maidenhead school praised by Ofsted as a 'second home' for pupils.
What? Forest Bridge School receives its latest Oftsed report with the headteacher stating: "Our continued good rating is a testament to the effectiveness of ABA and the hard work and dedication of our entire school community."
When? March 2024.
Who? BBC News talks to BCBA Risca Solomon with a heart-warming story - Autism: How my autistic foster brother inspired my life's work.
What? Dan was just four years old when he met Risca Solomon, herself only 18, who was working in a special school. The Solomons took Dan in and gave him a home despite previous respite placements failing and Dan having challenging behaviour. ABA and speech and language therapy have hugely improved Dan's outcomes, even helping him develop speech.
When? February 2023.
Who? Double-page spread on ABA by Forest Bridge School BCBA Konstantinos Rizos in SEN Magazine.
What? Who hasn't heard a myth about ABA? Konstantinos tackles 12 myths and misunderstandings here.
When? Issue 119, July-August 2022.
Who? Boyzone's Keith Duffy on the autistic daughter he's so proud of and his fight to help all children with autism, website an Irish website of news from in-house reporters and also sources from sister publications The Irish Times and Irish Examiner.
What? The singer from the chart-topping band gushes over his 22-year-old daughter, who is in her fourth year at university and has a job lined up, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 18 months. Keith took a break from his career to learn about ABA to support his girl and helped open a school.
When? 25 March 2022.
Who? Which Therapy? Parents give their verdict, Autism Eye magazine.
What? It's thumbs up for both ABA and PBS in this article on popular therapies.
When? Summer 2021, issue 42.
Who? Boy with autism beats the odds after being told he would never talk or read, an online story from Bristol Live.
What? Mother Harshinder Sirah on how her son started ABA at age two, and now, at age 18, attends college and has a work experience placement at a local store.
When? 22 March 2020.
Who? Threat from within? A feature in the magazine Autism Eye.
What? Our own champion Jane McCready and single mother Claire Seiler feature in this article about how the neurodiversity movement is misrepresenting ABA, to the detriment of kids who need it.
When? Spring 2020 issue, no 37.
Who? An interview on Bristol Community FM Radio's breakfast programme (BCFm Radio).
What? Bristol mum Harshinder Sirah on how ABA has benefitted her son who has autism and ADHD.
When? 10 March 2020.
Who? Parents in battle with council over children with special needs missing years of school, a news story from Liverpool Echo features four families.
What? Brandon and Sarah Jackson are one of the four families battling their local authority trying to get support for their 12-year-old son.
When? 8 March 2020.
Who? How Newport businesswoman Rachael Barnes battled to find success and happiness, an online feature from South Wales Argus.
What? The story and background of the mother from the news article below, who is now a trained confidence coach. She describes ABA as a "game changer".
When? 11 February 2020.
Who? Boy who lost ability to speak is now thriving, an article in the South Wales Argus newspaper.
What? Fourteen-year-old boy recovered use of language after he stopped talking at age two through ABA. His mother, Rachael Barnes, also plans to open a facility for young adults.
When? 3 February 2020.
Who? Charity issues warning over isolation as punishment in schools, an article from the BBC's news website for youngsters Newsround.
What? The Centre for Mental Health reports that putting children who misbehave in rooms of their own can do more harm than good. One suggested method of promoting good behaviour is PBS.
When? 9 January 2020.
Who? Parents' three-year battle to win support for their autistic son, an article from the Guardian newspaper.
What? An all-too-familiar read for many parents here in the UK - one family's legal battle to get the right support for their child, with their local authority caving in just two days before their tribunal.
When? 31 December 2019.
Who? Behavioural study 'significantly improves' lives of autism participants, an article from ITV.
What? A successful Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) study in Jersey by Dr Darren Bowring carried out over four years involving nearly 90 participants reported significant improvements (72%) in challenging behaviour and 75% of individuals were able to communicate their needs more effectively.
When? 19 August 2019.
Who? Jersey study to shape behavioural support services?, an article from Channel 103, an independent local radio station on the island of Jersey.
What? More about this study which puts Jersey at the forefront of PBS services.
When? 17 August 2019.
Who? My Journey through the mysterious world of autism, an article from Bangladesh's The Daily Star.
What? We usually stick to UK media stories here, but this one is from Antara Mirza, an Assistant Psychologist with the CAMHS Team in London. It's a very nice short article providing real-life examples and explanations of how ABA and PBS can help.
When? 2 April 2019.
Who? Independence Ways, an article from BCBA Risca Solomon in the magazine for autism parents and professionals Autism Eye.
What? A useful article on ABA teaching of vital daily living skills with techniques such as breaking skills down into component steps and backward chaining.
When? Issue 33, Spring 2019.
Who? Moving the Goalposts won't solve the problem of autism assessment wait lists, an article from Irish Examiner.
What? An article about numerous Irish parents bringing court proceedings regarding late and failed assessments of those with ASD and the lack of suitable education places and therapies offered. Chartered psychologist Dr Rita Honan says how ABA can make all the difference.
When? 18 February 2019.
Who? Waiting and Worrying about Autism? What you can do right now, an article from Forbes magazine.
What? Renowned BCBA and author Dr Mary Lynch Barbera talks about the early signs of autism and what parents can do at home using ABA while they are stuck on waiting lists.
When? 22 January 2019.
Who? Dunfermline Press a local newspaper from Fife, Scotland.
What? Twins Ben and Finlay Stevens were lucky enough to secure funding from charity Cash For Kids which they have used to travel to Wales to get support from ABA provider Skybound Therapies.
When? 21 November 2018.
Who? The Basingstoke Gazette on the Playhouse Foundation.
What? The three-year-old charity providing ABA to Hampshire families celebrates it's birthday with a Community Engagement programme.
When? 15 November 2018.
Who? Northern Ireland online newspaper The Impartial Reporter.
What? Lack of services in Kinawley left mother Edel McGuinness feeling isolated until she discovered PEAT (Parents' Education as Autism Therapists) and the ABA programme which was implemented led to her daughter making progress.
When? 5 March 2018.
Who? Autism Eye magazine with Karen Sorab.
What? Coverage of fab mum Karen winning an OBE after setting up an ABA school and charity. She set up the school with other parents after being told her daughter would never communicate. Now, through ABA, that daughter is at college studying horticulture.
When? 1 March 2018.
Who? The Law Society Gazette speaks to legal experts.
What? Reports on the struggles both parents and local authorities go through as the deadline looms for the transfer from old style SEN Statements to EHCPs (Education, Health and Care Plans). Reference to a particular case involving one LA which is giving a personal budget to one family to fund ABA so that it can avoid putting ABA in the EHCP, leaving the family in a precarious position.
When? 27 February 2018.
Who? Wandsworth Guardian article on Karen Sorab, BeyondAutism founder.
What? ABA school and charity founder Karen has received an honorary OBE for services to education. Back in 2000, the dedicated Tooting mum set up with just three pupils, but now this amazing charity has two independent schools, Park House School and Tram House School with around 80 pupils in London's Wandsworth. No mention of ABA in this article, but WE know the score!
When? 27 February 2018.
Who? London Borough of Newham newspaper, the Newham Recorder, talks to two parents from Let Us Communicate, a support group for parents of children with social communication difficulties.
What? The paper reports on how fifty parents have signed a letter asking for plans to be approved for an ABA free school to open in the borough. Mums Zahra Kheyre and Sadia Nakimera are interviewed and describe how ABA has changed their children's lives.
When? 8 November 2017.
Who? The Star, a local newspaper in South Yorkshire, with Rebecca Varley from The Blue Door Charity.
What? An early intervention centre has opened in Doncaster to provide ABA support for autistic youngsters.
When? 8 November 2017.
Who? BBC Victoria Derbyshire television programme on BBC2 with three sets of parents, including Yvonne Newbold, author of The Special Parent's Handbook, plus MP Dr Paul Williams. Later on in the programme, mum Toni Hallett phones in to promote ABA.
What? While parents tell their stories of their experiences of challenging behaviour with their children, Yvonne Newbold says that the help parents should be getting is in the form of Positive Behaviour Support (a branch of ABA). MP for Stockton South Dr Paul Williams also says behavioural interventions are needed. In the second clip we hear from mum Toni Hallett who phones in to talk about ABA and how it has helped her daughter.
When? 30 October 2017.
Watch here First clip with Yvonne Newbold and Dr Paul Williams
Watch here Second clip with mum Toni Hallett
Who? BBC News article entitled "I'm scared of my own autistic child" ahead of the Victoria Derbyshire current affairs television programme. Parents Ian and Lucy Goldsworthy and Doug and Hannah Clements talk about their children.
What? Parents tell their stories of their autistic children who are prone to violent outbursts and how they are not being offered help by their local authorities. Tim Nicholls, from the National Autistic Society, says how positive behaviour strategies would be an example of offering help.
When? 30 October 2017.
Who? The Mirror talks to parents Sara and Bohdan about their autistic four-year-old son Marco, who has pica (eating non-edibles).
What? The Slawycz family are travelling to the US to follow an intensive ABA programme after Marco completed a taster programme at Autism Support UK, a Saturday school in Bolton. They hope the programme will help with his communication skills as well as self-help skills, because Marco tries to eat plastic, cardboard and paper.
When? July 2017.
Also in the Manchester Evening News Read here
Who? with a US mum speaking about her eight-year-old boy.
What? A story of how a mum delights in a simple moment of her autistic son bringing her a fork and how it means so much to her family. Mum Chrissy says "ABA has given us life."
When? July 2017.
Who? Occupational therapist Joanne Harries in the Treating Autism members magazine.
What? The founder of Seirrah OT talks about how OT and ABA can be combined to achieve the best outcomes for children with ASD.
When? June 2017.
Who? Cormac Duffy from Beam ABA Services in the magazine Autism Eye in a feature called "ABA Ways to Better Behaviour at School".
What? A case for using ABA in mainstream schools to help with behavioural issues is made here. The importance of a team of staff working together and understanding each other is emphasised.
When? Summer 2017, issue 26.
Who? Top charity for children with neurological conditions Cerebra features mum Zarbanoo Rajput in its magazine.
What? Mum talks about early intervention for children with ASD and discusses research studies and her own experiences with an autistic teenager.
When? 16 May 2017.
Who? BBC Radio 4's Today.
What? Although ABA is not specifically mentioned, this programme focusses on ABA free school Forest Bridge in Maidenhead, Berkshire, with a general discussion on inclusion and the need for and growth of special needs schools. It features a young autistic girl who moved to the school following time at a mainstream school where she had been attending for only an hour and a half a day. With reporter Sanchia Berg.
When? 12 May 2017.
Who? More press for parents Rebecca and Joe Stately, this time on Pirate FM and its accompanying website news page.
What? Parents say they have put their home up for sale in order to pay for ABA. The determined parents have also launched a Facebook page called Hear Will's Voice.
When? 5th May 2017.
Who? Parents Rebecca and Joe Stuteley appeared on ITV News, West Country, and also in the website article accompanying the broadcast.
What? Desperate parents say they will sell their home to pay for ABA. Let's hope they are able to secure a deal with Cornwall Council.
When? 1st May 2017.
Who? Mum of four Sarah Ziegel, this time in SEN Magazine.
What? Sarah talks about her four sons and their differences in needs, despite all having being diagnosed with classic autism by age three. All boys had an ABA programme of 35 hours per week.
When? Issue 88, May/June 2017
Who? Mum Christine Faye in the Newtownards Chronicle & County Down Observer.
What? The Northern Ireland mum recalls how autism organisation PEAT (Parents' Education as Autism Therapists), which teaches ABA skills to parents, has "been a life-saver" for her family. Before she sought help, her daughter Amelia was non-verbal, but now her speech is amazing and she is able to attend a mainstream school with support. Christine is appealing for funding for the organisation as its future is now uncertain.
When? 27th April 2017.
Who? Parents Rebecca and Joe Stuteley in the national newspaper the Mirror.
What? Autistic youngster William speaks his first word "baby" aged four after an intensive programme of ABA! His dedicated parents gathered funds for his ABA programme via an online fundraising campaign.
When? 24th April 2017.
Who? Mum Catey Hall writes to Alabama senator as reported on
What? Yes we know it's over in the US, but we couldn't help sharing this mum's plea to get Alabama to join the other 45 out of 50 states that include ABA under their autism therapies insurance coverage bills. Only five more states to go!
When? 23rd April 2017.
Who? Jo-Ann D'Costa-Manuel, founder of Autism Parent Empower, and Duncan Fennemore, BCaBA, on TV entertainment channel London Live.
What? Mentions raising awareness of autism and empowering parents with ABA and nutrition, following a sponsored walk for autism.
When? 23rd April 2017.
Who? Mum Emma Bennion, who has a non-verbal autistic girl Ruby, features in Scotland's East Lothian Courier.
What? Emma spoke about her four-year-old daughter Ruby at the launch of the Autism in Focus exhibition in Edinburgh, which looks at different perspectives from 100 people with autism. Emma describes how ABA has helped Ruby to communicate.
When? 23rd April 2017.
Who? Charity Ambitious About Autism in (a newspaper for further education and skills).
What? The official opening of the two-campus college, London's first-ever day college for people with autism up to age 25, is reported in this newspaper.
When? 22nd April 2017.
Who? A mum of a high-functioning autistic girl aged 5.
What? This mum shares her story through about how early intervention of ABA and SLT was key for her daughter who started therapy at age 3.
When? 21st April 2017.
Who? Author and mum of four autistic boys Sarah Ziegel.
What? Sarah is featured in Sunday Mirror newspaper and Sunday People magazine discussing how ABA has helped her four autistic sons achieve their potential.
When? World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day, 2nd April 2017.
Who? Author and mum of four autistic boys Sarah Ziegel.
What? Sarah is featured in magazine Autism Eye discussing how ABA has helped her four autistic sons with travel.
When? Spring issue no.25 2017.
Who? JR supermum Pandora Quintyne and Jane McCready again
What? Follow-up story on BBC Radio West Midlands' Adrian Goldberg breakfast show about how ABA has benefited Pandora's son Tyger, and the JR settlement which will help other mums by making it an easier route to ABA - at least in Wolverhampton. Also discussion of this ABA Access4All campaign, plus later Jane rings in to rebut some outdated anti points and talk about how ABA has improved Johnny's quality of life. First clip Pandora's interview and later clip Jane's phone in.
When? 20th February 2017.
Who? Jane McCready of this campaign and JR supermum Pandora Quintyne
What? Not bad piece at all on Radio 4's flagship consumer programme You and Yours re ABA and this ABA Access4All campaign, despite the usual balancing anti voice at the end (although actually Emeritus Professor Rita Jordan admits it helps some).
When? 16th February 2017. Also, the story made it onto those featured on BBC Radio 4's 'highlights of the week' website!
Who? Express & Star, a Wolverhampton local paper, reports on a Judicial Review launched in the name of seven-year-old Tyger Quintyne against Wolverhampton council for not offering ABA. This article features Tyger's mum Pandora and ABAA4ALL's Jane McCready.
What? Big triumph for ABA! Wolverhampton settles "out of court" after a Judicial Review. Let's hope other councils follow the lead!
When? February 2017
Who? Alex Lowery, autistic man aged 23, talks on The Mighty
What? Really good to see big autism website The Mighty - with a reach of 150 million - running autistic 23 year old public speaker/writer Alex Lowery's excellent account of how ABA helped him - first published on here. It is not all good, he is honest about bits he didn't like, but overall feels ABA helped him a great deal. Alex sums it up very well here: "I prefer to see the therapy I received as a support to make progress rather than an intervention that changed me."
When? February 2017
Who? Mum Cheryl Joyce in national newspaper, the Mirror.
What? Mum of three Cheryl reveals how she became so desperate and depressed following her son's autism diagnosis and eight-year battle to get him the best therapy and help that she googled the "gentlest ways to die". After trying ABA she was given hope, but battled more demons until counselling sessions helped her find inner strength.
When? January 2017
Who? The mums of Focus Liverpool, a Saturday club for children with autism, feature in the Liverpool Echo.
What? Three mums are hoping to set up an ABA school in Liverpool and are looking for a sponsor.
When? December 2016
Who? Screenwriter Declan May on the website Belfast Live talks about his nine-year-old autistic son Zachary and fundraising.
What? Declan is raising funds for Caudwell Children through the sale of a Dr Who anthology. This is his special way of thanking the charity which provided £2,000 to fund his son's ABA programme and helped him purchase calming sensory equipment.
When? November 2016
Who? Irish singer and actor Keith Duffy on ITV's Loose Women.
What? Boyzone singer and autism charity patron Keith talks about his daughter Mia and how early, intensive intervention makes a real difference to people's lives. Mia attended an ABA school and this helped her transfer to mainstream, where she has recently passed eight exams with honours.
When? Broadcast 4 November 2016
Who? British Somali mother Nura Aabe is interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour.
What? Nura describes the difficulties she faced with her autistic son Zackie as there is no word for autism in the Somali community and the tendency is to hide away those with the disorder. Nura mentions ABA as being a help in getting her son to learn.
When? November 2016
Who? Director of Baker Small Legal Services Mark Small is reported on in the Guardian.
What? Following the series of offensive tweets posted by Mark Small earlier in June (see below), the lawyer is given an official rebuke by the Solicitors' Regulation Authority. In its article, the Guardian describes ABA as a "widely respected intervention that can help autistic children to learn". The legal firm has since tried to rebrand itself following lost contacts with local authorities by offering services to parents.
When? November 2016
Who? Author of A Parent's Guide to Coping with Autism Sarah Ziegel is featured in national weekly magazine Woman.
What? Sarah talks about her struggles with miscarriages and bringing up her four boys who all have autism. Early intervention through ABA taught them how to play, speak and socialise, vastly improving their prospects.
When? October 2016
Who? Jo-Ann D'Costa-Manuel, founder of Autism Parent Empower, in national magazine Woman's Weekly.
What? She describes her experience of ABA and nutrition - plus how she has received help for her organisation from billionaire John Caudwell, from Caudwell Children, who has given funds for treatment in West Sussex. And not stopping there, this go-getter has become Virgin's Autism Ambassador, developing training for airline staff.
When? September 2016
Who? Australian blogger, stay-at-home mum and ABA tutor Julia Coorey in
What? One mum's personal experience of diagnosis for her son Michael and how "ABA has worked like a miracle".
When? September 2016
Who? Evening Standard online news story featuring the Ambitious Colleges.
What? Charity Ambitious About Autism's new college campuses at Isleworth and Tottenham for students aged 19 to 25 are now open.
When? September 2016
Who? East Lothian Courier online news story featuring Ruby Bennion, a non-verbal autistic four-year-old girl.
What? Ruby is learning to communicate with sign language learnt through ABA. An anonymous donor supplied Ruby with an iPad to the delight of her family.
When? September 2016
Who? West Briton online news story about charity walk to raise money for an ABA programme for five-year-old Coco Bradford.
What? Twenty-one brave souls pledged to walk nearly 50 miles in Cornwall over 24 hours in gruelling hot weather conditions and managed to raise funds in the region of £8,000.
When? August 2016
Who? New York power couple Harry and Laura Slatkin feature in the Mail on Sunday's You magazine.
What? The former Wall Street bankers talk about their children, twins David (who is autistic) and Ali, and how they set up an ABA school in partnership with the New York Board of Education in 2005. A second school is due to open soon in the Bronx. The duo also helped establish a university course to train teachers in ABA.
When? July 2016
Who? Mum of four children with autism Sarah Ziegel, author of A Parent's Guide to Coping with Autism, talks to BBC Radio 5 Live.
What? Sarah talks about how she started ABA and the three tribunals she went through in order to get ABA funding.
When? July 2016
Who? More press on Baker Small Tweetgate in the Guardian, with quotes from chief executives from advice charity IPSEA and the NAS, as well as families, a solicitor and a LA.
What? Two families featured have children who've made great progress with ABA.
When? June 2016
Who? Round-up of the huge number of articles written after a poor series of tweets by Milton Keynes-based law firm Baker Small, including The Guardian, The Independent, The Daily Mail and The Sun.
What? Gloating tweets regarding an ABA tribunal caused a lot of anger among parents and commentators. Ironically this story boosted ABA awareness in publications that had probably never mentioned it before.
When? June 2016
More coverage in The Metro
Who? US paediatric psychologist Laura Dewey is a guest blogger on
What? Talks about more naturalistic settings and gives simple strategies based on ABA that parents can start immediately to help their child's development.
When? May 2016
Who? The Edinburgh Evening News.
What? Stoa School charity is looking to set up an ABA school in Edinburgh, with the help of funds generated through a sponsored cycle ride.
When? May 2016
Who? The A Word, a prime-time BBC drama mentions ABA, in episode 5.
What? Scene features the mother watching positive ABA story from Challenging Behaviour, a BBC4 documentary on ABA which aired in 2013.
When? Broadcast 19 April 2016
Who? The Economist.
What? Big, wide-ranging autism article called Spectrum Shift, with good section on ABA and the importance of early intervention.
When? April 2016
Who? The Manchester Evening News article and touching video of two-year-old Ted.
What? Ted's remarkable progress through ABA sessions at Saturday club Focus Manchester, which has encouraged his parents to begin a full-time home programme.
When? April 2016
Further coverage of Ted, this time in the Mirror.
Who? BBC South East Today television coverage of Autism Parent Empower founder Jo-Ann D'Costa-Manuel, with parents Paul and Claire Winsor.
What? Autism Parent Empower is helping parents with ABA, nutrition and family wellness training.
When? April 2016
Who? The Irish News on Northern Ireland charity PEAT.
What? How PEAT has offered subsidised ABA programmes to 32 chidren and young people from ages 2 through to 24.
When? April 2016
Who? ABAA4ALL's Jane McCready on the Chrissy B Show, along with Jo-Ann D'Costa-Manuel of Autism Parent Empower.
What? Show talks about what it's like to raise a child with autism and hears from parent Jane. Jo-Ann is interviewed about her support group and its launch.
When? March 2016
Who? Disability Scoop web article.
What? How 8 million US Federal Government employees have been given access to ABA as a mandatory benefit.
When? March 2016
Who? Autism kids face "life of poverty if they don't get help", article in Belfast Telegraph.
What? New report by Prof Karola Dillenburger calls on Stormont to improve support for those with autism. Highlights how ABA is internationally recognised as best practice and can enhance quality of life and make massive savings on costs.
When? March 2016
Who? Article in the Daily Mail Online about Bill Davis and his autistic son Chris from Pensylvania, USA.
What? How 21 million people have viewed a video created in 2012 which details their story. As a child, Chris was diagnosed as severely autistic and was a physical danger to himself and others. Things improved as Chris began ABA.
When? February 2016
Who? American dad Douglas Kennedy and his autistic and epileptic son Max in The Washington Post.
What? Dad describes the depressing experience of living in London with Max, which improved after a fellow American introduced him to ABA. Now Max is going to college!
When? February 2016
Who? Australian mum Mia Cazilieris on 9News website.
What? After being unimpressed with trying both speech and language therapy and occupational therapy, Sydney mum Mia started ABA with her three-year-old twin daughters. She says ABA is amazing and the twins love it, having progressed in focus, play, listening and vocalising abilities.
When? February 2016
Who? The Daily Mail hears from Rachel Bradford about daughter Coco, aged five.
What? How ABA helped Coco say her first words in three years - "More toast please!" - after just four months into her ABA programme.
When? January 2016
Who? ABA on BBC South Today, courtesy of newly-launched Hampshire charity The Playhouse Foundation.
What? Zoe Carr speaks about son Callum's ABA programme, funded by the Playhouse Foundation.
When? December 2015
Who? Catherine Maurice, BCBA, autism mum and author of seminal ABA book Let Me Hear Your Voice is interviewed in the Newsletter of the Association for Science in Autism Treatment.
What? Maurice talks about the inspirations behind writing her books, particularly her experiences dealing with bogus treatments and theories, and her thoughts on neurodiversity.
When? November 2015
Who? The Sun features "new" book Challenging the Myths of Autism by Jonathan Alderson (new in the UK, but first published in the US in 2011).
What? "ABA has the most evidence to support it" says Alderson.
When? November 2015
Who? The Sun features a letter from our own ABAA4ALL founder Jane McCready.
What? Jane promoting ABA - of course!
When? November 2015
Who? - co-authored by Jon Cardensa, lead behaviour analyst at Autism Family Center in Chicago, USA.
What? Common myths about ABA.
When? October 2015
Who? Your Autism Magazine (from the NAS) feature by Joanne Coulson, BCBA.
What? How do I use positive reinforcers?
When? Spring 2015
Who? The Kid Who Beat Autism article in The New York Times Magazine.
What? Two different families and their experiences with ABA programmes, plus some details about research on issues including the lessening of symptoms.
When? July 2014
Who? Mums Tracy Holliday and Jane McCready speak to
What? Holliday describes how she started ABA for daughter Freya using inheritance funds following lack of support from her Local Authority, while Jane McCready describes early experiences with son Johnny.
When? July 2014
Who? London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) article about its costs of autism study by Knapp et al.
What? Autism is the UK's single most costly condition, costing more than cancer, heart attack and stroke combined. The bulk of the £32bn it costs per year goes on lifelong adult residential care.
When? June 2014
Who? The Sunday Times Magazine talks to the parents of three-year-old twins Hassan and Husayn and ABAA4ALL founder Jane McCready about her 10-year-old son Johnny.
What? Interviews about how the children have progressed significantly since beginning ABA, plus a summary of how ABA is viewed in the UK and abroad.
When? April 2014
Who? BBC documentary Autism: Challenging Behaviour
What? One-hour programme that kick-started the ABAA4ALL campaign.
When? First aired November 2013
Who? YouTube video of Today Tonight, an Australian programme, about Asher Gregory.
What? Teenager Asher is an award-winning student from Perth who taught himself to play the guitar. Asher was diagnosed with severe autism as a youngster, but has made enormous progress through ABA.
When? May 2012